Essay Writing Skills with Readings Pdf book
Essay Writing Skills with Readings
Feature of Book:
Part 1: Essay Writing focuses on a rhetorically-based approach to the writing pro-cess and on the four bases of writing. Part 2: Patterns of Essay Development con-
tinues this book’s detailed prescriptive approach to the different rhetorical modes,
taking students step by step through each mode, showing how these modes are used
and how they work together within an essay. Part 3: Special Skills and Research
guides students through summary writing, through conducting effective research,
and through writing and documenting a research paper. This section contains sepa-
rate chapters for MLA and APA styles, presenting full citation information and an
example of a research essay with annotations for each style. Part 4: Handbook of
Sentence Skills serves as a concise and easy-to-use handbook, focusing specifically
on grammar and usage. Part 5: Readings for Writing provides a variety of engaging,
mainly contemporary readings that represent each of the rhetorical modes presented
in Part 2. Accompanying each reading are questions and activities that reinforce and
enhance, for students, the four bases of writing.
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